Connecting Caucasus
The main goals of Go Group Media are to contribute to the transformation of conflicts in the South Caucasus, improve the quality of local media and develop citizen journalism.
Our Programs
Eyewitness Studio
As part of an innovative project, we present documentaries produced by journalists from various ethnic communities who, with the help of Go Group, make films in which they talk about community problems, traditions, lifestyles and challenges that their communities face.
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Journalistic Expeditions
Journalists travel to different regions together to cover those problems and issues that have remained out of sight of the local and national media.
Young journalists from various regions of the Caucasus go through a training course. In the process of training, journalists are engaged in covering news based on real life events and develop technical skills.
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CAC school
The unique and unprecedented school of journalism brings together the reporters from across the Caucasus, including the conflict areas.
We engage young journalists in a joint learning experience, teaching them to produce fact-based, conflict-sensitive reporting using photo, media and text
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JAMnews is a unique media platform which offers latest news about the developments in the Caucasus region, reporting exclusively verified data. We offer professional and impartial analysis on the major trends and developments, thus seeking to help people from different regions of the Caucasus to get to know each other better.
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